How to Tell a Real LensPen From a Fake

Welcome to LensPen®!
The official authorized English language website for LensPen is
The products described herein and offered for sale are original products designed in Canada by Parkside Optical Inc. (doing business as “The LensPen Group”) and produced by our factory in China. They have been tested and proven in the worldwide marketplace for many years.
In 2012 the LensPen was stylishly redesigned. LensPen®, DigiKlear®, FilterKlear™, MiniPro® and MicroPro™ now sport the new organic barrel design. In 2014 LensPen Elite™ with Invisible Carbon was introduced. See figures 1 and 2 below to see the old and new designs. There are many of the old style design pens still on the market with reputable vendors. Please check our website for a partial list of our customers and OEM partners.
Authentic LensPens:
Please Note: there are some companies marketing imitations or fake copies of LensPen products. LensPen products use a unique carbon compound on the cleaning tip to remove fingerprints. Some imitations have nothing on the cleaning tip – they have no cleaning ability at all! Other imitations put unknown substances on the tip – they often damage the lens and LCD surfaces they are meant to clean! WARNING – DO NOT USE IMITATION LENSPEN PRODUCTS!
For more information on LensPen and our products go to
If you have any questions, please contact us at

How Does a True LENSPEN® Differ From a False Copy?
Our LensPen brand name is always on the pen and the backcard. See our brands listed on the left side of this page.On the rear side of every backcard is written “Distributed under the Authority of Parkside Optical Inc.,Vancouver, Canada.” All of our products are sold worldwide through a network of authorized distributors. Click here for a partial list of our world-wide distributor network.Our LensPen®, DigiKlear® and FilterKlear™ pens have “LENSPEN” inscribed in the top of the cap: